Live Tabs

8:00 AM ET


8:00 AM-6:00 PM

Registration is open in Hall C Foyer on Tuesday from 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM, on Wednesday from 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM, and on Thursday from 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM.


8:30 AM ET

Networking Lounge

8:30 AM-4:00 PM


Schedule appointments with your fellow attendees using the app and plan to meet up the Networking Lounge. This is your opportunity to catch up with attendees you know from past events or make new connections with your peers in talent mobility.  The Lounge will be open Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, and Thursday, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM. There will be a specialty coffee station, sponsored by Stewart Relocation Services, on Wednesday in the lounge from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM.  The complementary relaxation station, sponsored by Fragomen, will be open on Wednesday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Thursday, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM.


9:00 AM ET

Immigration Strategic Summit

9:00 AM-2:00 PM


Additional registration required.

Sponsored by Envoy.

9:00 – 9:30am – Keynote Speaker – Jose Rasco, CIO for U.S. and Latin America - HSBC

9:30 – 10:45am – Competing for Talent: Taking Advantage of Government Incentive Schemes

A panel of immigration lawyers/experts looking at schemes around the world to attract talent, and how companies can and should use these to their advantage.

11:00am – 12:15pm – Balancing Costs and Employee Experience: How to Win at Both

A panel of corporates looking at how to achieve both cost efficiency and employee satisfaction.

12:15 – 12:45pm – Lunch

12:45 – 1:45pm – Collaborative Workshop – Building the Perfect Program

In small groups, imagine you are an adviser to the government of an imaginary country. Design the best possible immigration program to attract corporates to your country, to invest, create jobs and long-term growth. What features will you include and why?

1:45 – 2:00pm – Closing Remarks


1:00 PM ET

Planning for Client Expectations on Sustainability, Supply and Service in 2024

1:00 PM-3:00 PM


Additional registration is required.

At least 92% of business travel professionals consider sustainability a crucial priority for their organization. Travel managers leverage purchasing power to significantly influence environmentally friendly procurement practices. Emissions tracking and science-based reduction targets are now the norm. Are you prepared?

The Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA), and Worldwide Employee Relocation Council (WERC) team up this year at the 2023 Global Workforce Symposium to delve into sustainability in global business travel. Join us to unlock the power of sustainability in global business travel with Delphine Millot, GBTA’s Senior Vice President of Sustainability. Ms. Millot will present the current sustainable procurement criteria, followed by a panel of industry leaders to launch dynamic, candid discussions from multiple angles in the global mobility procurement space.

Don’t miss this collaborative summit where you can:

  •     Understand the need for sustainable procurement standards, along with the current challenges and opportunities.
  •     Familiarize yourself with what procurement methods buyers are using for corporate housing and questions asked of suppliers.
  •     Identify obstacles and opportunities for exchanging best practices and aligning expectations in global mobility.


2:15 PM ET

Corporate Roundtables: Part 1

2:15 PM-3:45 PM


Join your fellow corporate practitioners for a roundtable session centered around you and your community. Sit at any table and make new connections with your corporate peers. The session will focus on discussions around your current and future projects and the importance of building relationships with stakeholders to help you implement your projects.  You will be driving the conversation by sharing your ideas, challenges, and best practices.

If you would like to share your notes and ideas with Worldwide ERC® post-session, please use this link.

Corporates Only.


3:00 PM ET

First-Time Attendee Session

3:00 PM-3:45 PM

4:00 PM ET

Opening General Session and Reception

4:00 PM-6:30 PM

General Session

Join us to hear updates from Worldwide ERC leadership, with some surprises in store, followed by Opening Session Speaker Doc Hendley.

Hendley is proof that anyone, even a tattooed keg-tapper, can cure what ails the world. In 2003, Doc Hendley dreamed up the concept of Wine to Water while bartending and playing music in nightclubs around Raleigh, North Carolina. In January of 2004 he held his first fundraiser and by August was living in Darfur, Sudan installing water systems for victims of the government-supported genocide.

When Doc returned home in 2005, the haunting memories of what he had seen in Darfur drove him to continue growing the organization he had started only two years earlier. And in 2007, after working two jobs and volunteering his time for over three years, Wine To Water became an official 501 (c)(3) and Doc’s dream finally became a reality.

Hendley’s work aims to help the 1.1 billion people worldwide who lack access to clean water, a figure estimated by the World Health Organization. Nearly two-thirds of that group lives in Asia. In sub-Saharan Africa, 42 percent of the population lives without yard taps, household connections or other improvements to sanitize water. Unclean water is the number one killer of children in the world. Water borne illnesses kill far more children the HIV/AIDS and Malaria combined.  Every 15 seconds a child dies from unclean water.

 A reception for all attendees will follow the opening session.


6:30 PM ET

Open Evening and Dinner Buddies

6:30 PM-9:30 PM


The evening is open to enjoy as you please. Many partners are hosting receptions, you can make your own plans, or try our new Dinner Buddies program! Are you new to Worldwide ERC® or simply want to make new connections? Join our Dinner Buddies program. The Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau will have a concierge desk set up in the convention center. Visit the desk to sign up for a group dinner reservations at a local restaurant. This is a casual opportunity for a dinner plan. It's pay on own. This is a limited opportunity. Stop by the desk upon arrival to sign up!

7:00 AM ET

Young Professionals Taskforce Bootcamp

7:00 AM-8:00 AM


There’s no better way to start off your day with movement – it energizes the body and the mind! Join our YP Taskforce during our annual Bootcamp! The exercises are self-paced.  We will work out and network, it can't get much better than this! #SweatWork.


Attendee assumes all risks and accepts sole responsibility for any injury (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that attendee may experience or incur in connection with attending the Global Workforce Symposium, including but not limited to, pre-conference events, the Foundation for Workforce Mobility gala and related fundraising events. Attendee hereby releases, covenants not to sue, discharges, and holds harmless Worldwide ERC®, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from any such claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto.


8:30 AM ET

Networking Lounge

8:30 AM-4:00 PM


Schedule appointments with your fellow attendees using the app and plan to meet up the Networking Lounge. This is your opportunity to catch up with attendees you know from past events or make new connections with your peers in talent mobility.  The Lounge will be open Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, and Thursday, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM. There will be a specialty coffee station, sponsored by Stewart Relocation Services, on Wednesday in the lounge from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM.  The complementary relaxation station, sponsored by Fragomen, will be open on Wednesday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Thursday, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM.


8:30 AM-7:00 PM

Registration is open in Hall C Foyer on Tuesday from 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM, on Wednesday from 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM, and on Thursday from 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM.


9:00 AM ET

Keynote: Heather McGowan

9:00 AM-10:00 AM


Sponsored by Cartus.

Hear from future-of-work strategist Heather E. McGowan, who helps leaders prepare their people and organizations for the Post Pandemic world of work. The last few years have forever changed where we work, who works, how we work and measure work, what we do for work and, most importantly, why we work. McGowan is a sense maker, a dot connector, a deep thinker, and a pattern matcher who sees things that others miss. Heather gives people the courage and insight that illuminates their path forward. She’s transforming mindsets and entire organizations around the globe with her message about how the next phase of work will focus on continuous learning, rather than simply learning once in order to work. 

In 2022, McGowan was awarded an honorary doctorate from Pennsylvania College of Art and Design in addition to earning her MBA from Babson College and her BFA in Industrial Design from Rhode Island School of Design. McGowan is the co-editor and author of the book Disrupt Together: How Teams Consistently Innovate and a Forbes contributor. McGowan’s latest book on the future of work, published in 2020: The Adaptation Advantage: Let Go, Learn Fast, and Thrive in the Future of Work, reached number three in business management books on Amazon and was recently named one of the best business books of 2021 by Soundview. McGowan’s next book on post pandemic work is due out by Wiley in 2023.

10:00 AM ET

RMC Industry Trends: Policies, Technology, and the Relocation Industry Business Model

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

General Session

Join Relocation Management Company leaders during our 2023 RMC Industry Vertical Panel. Hear how RMCs are considering the impact of everything from the current business climate to higher interest rates, technology advancements, and political uncertainty on the talent mobility industry. Experts will share their insights on environmental, social, and governance strategies, corporate client mandates, the opportunities for artificial intelligence, and more during this perennial top session.


11:00 AM ET

Networking Over Coffee

11:00 AM-11:30 AM


Head to Hall D Foyer or the Networking Lounge for coffee.


11:30 AM ET

Global Employment Solutions-How HR & Global Mobility Are Leveraging Alternative Work Solutions

11:30 AM-12:30 PM


Sponsored by Global Expansion.

The goals and strategies of organizations continue to evolve and change to adapt to the challenges of the current workforce demands while still supporting the needs of internal key stakeholders and the business. Join us as we discuss strategies and applications with real life case studies of how companies are flexing to meet the needs and demands of the business while providing practical solutions to solve key issues within their organizations. This session will cover work from anywhere, project deployment, talent retention, self-initiated moves, and leveraging technology to support these evolving workforce talent disruptions and evolution.


How Experience Management Technology Can Level Up Your Mobility Program

11:30 AM-12:30 PM


Sponsored by Altair Global.

There are many reasons why you may want to transform your mobility program: cost containment, streamlining processes, reducing complexity, aiding talent strategy, promoting location-based preferences. But are you prepared to do so with data-backed insights? Learn how experience management (XM) technology and data can validate policy change and develop a benefit structure which promotes the customer experience.


Industry Vertical: Corporate Housing

11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Real Estate

Hear from industry leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing their industries in this panel discussion focused on corporate housing. Speakers represent the following companies:

    •       Preferred Corporate Housing
    •       Nomad
    •       Blueground


Industry Vertical: Immigration

11:30 AM-12:30 PM


Hear from industry leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing their industries in this panel discussion focused on Immigration. Speakers represent the following companies:

    • BAL
    • Envoy
    • Fragomen
    • Wolfsdorf
    • Newland Chase
    • Ogletree
    • USILAW
    • Vialto


Industry Vertical: Mortgage and Lending

11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Real Estate

Hear from industry leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing their industries in this panel discussion focused on Mortgage and Lending. Speakers represent the following companies:

    •        Prime Lending
    •        Rocket Mortgage


Moving for Good: Turning Positive ESG Intentions Into Meaningful Mobility Outcomes

11:30 AM-12:30 PM


Sponsored by Cartus.

Sustainability vs. Cost Containment, Inclusivity vs. Simplification, Flexibility vs. Predictability: Which priorities drive your business and mobility program? How often is the answer “All of the above”? In this paradigm-provoking session, a diverse cohort of corporate, supplier, and industry SMEs will lead attendee breakout groups through a variety of environmental, social, and corporate governance challenges and objectives to examine potential policy impacts, share expertise and learnings, and explore how mobility can continue to enrich overall business performance while also serving ESG values.


Please note: this session will not be recorded. We invite attendees to keep this in consideration as you plan your GWS schedule!


12:30 PM ET

Corporate Roundtables: Part 2 with Lunch

12:30 PM-2:30 PM


Join your fellow corporate practitioners for a roundtable session centered around you and your community. Choose from 26 tables, each focused on a topic suggested by our members, for three 30-minute rounds where you will share ideas, discuss challenges, benchmark, and network with peers. 

If you would like to share your notes and ideas with Worldwide ERC® post-session, please use this link.

Corporates Only.


12:30 PM-2:30 PM


Lunch provided for attendees not participating in the Certification, Corporate, or Service Provider Roundtable Lunch Sessions.


Service Provider Roundtables with Lunch

12:30 PM-2:30 PM


Join your fellow service providers for a roundtable session centered around you and your community. Choose from 25 tables, each focused on a topic suggested by our members, for three 30-minute rounds where you will share ideas, discuss challenges, benchmark, and network with peers. 

If you would like to share your notes and ideas with Worldwide ERC® post-session, please use this link

12:45 PM ET

Certification Lunch + Learn

12:45 PM-1:30 PM


Interested in obtaining your GMS or CRP? Learn about the requirements for each program and how to get started during this informational session.

Please note this session is for new exam candidates.  If you have questions about how to renew or work in the new database, please visit the WERC booth in the exhibit hall where staff can provide one-on-one support.

2:45 PM ET

AI and HR/Mobility: How Emerging Technologies Are Reimagining Immigration Programs

2:45 PM-3:45 PM


Sponsored by BAL.

In November 2022, research company OpenAI released ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence chatbot that creates humanlike conversational dialogue, responds to queries, and generates multidisciplinary content. The viral reach of ChatGPT and its March 2023 reboot, ChatGPT-4, has been unprecedented. ChatGPT-4 is even more agile, comprehends images, and processes eight times more text than its predecessor. What HR/mobility professionals may not realize is that prior to ChatGPT’s development, the legal industry was quietly employing its own proprietary versions of generative AI—and continues to develop emerging technologies designed to innovate legal practices and processes. These groundbreaking technologies are increasingly impacting the practice of immigration law and immigration programs and are expected to transform every aspect of the corporate immigration industry.  In this session, hear from immigration experts about how emerging technologies such as generative AI and machine learning are impacting global mobility and immigration programs, and what HR/mobility professionals need to know both now and in the near future.     

Attendees will learn:     

    • Brief history of common uses of types of AI, including robotic process automation and machine learning pre-chat GPT.
    • The current functions and impact of generative AI and machine learning being used to innovate mobility, process real-time immigration cases, and manage immigration programs.
    • Insights on AI data storage, security, and privacy in global mobility, immigration case processing, and program management.
    • Projected uses for various form of AI, including generative AI, machine learning, and computer vision in immigration law, and their potential effect on future global mobility and immigration programs.


Going up? Elevating Mobility by Focusing on You, Your Team, and Your Program

2:45 PM-3:45 PM

Programs & Policies

As a corporate mobility leader, how do you measure the success of yourself, your team, and your mobility program? How are you planning to take your mobility program to another level up? In this session, mobility experts share their advice and insights on how to elevate individual, team and overall program performance to help each of us chart a path for taking things to another level (#elevatemobility). In a world that has changed emphatically, we’ll consider the critical challenges right now in mobility and learn more about how to lead, where to focus and how to show growth across all three of these dimensions.

Industry Vertical: Technology

2:45 PM-3:45 PM


Hear from industry leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing their industries in this panel discussion focused on Technology. Speakers represent the following companies:

    • Tracker Software
    • Filevine


Real Estate Roundup: National Trends and Topics

2:45 PM-3:45 PM

Real Estate

Join leading real estate industry experts to learn about current U.S. real estate market conditions and their impact on employee mobility practices. This National Real Estate Trends and Topics session, presented by representatives from the Relocation Directors Council (RDC), will provide a comprehensive look at how markets are performing across the nation in terms of price range, inventory supply, consumer confidence, buyer and seller concerns, and the rental market.

The Importance of Family in Global Mobility

2:45 PM-3:45 PM


Sponsored by Aires.

Explore the impact of family on mobility and their impact on a successful move and solutions.


Unlocking the Next Era of Furnished Apartments: Insights from Blueground

2:45 PM-3:45 PM

Real Estate

Sponsored by Blueground US, Inc.

Blueground's CEO & Co-Founder Alex Chatzieleftheriou and panelists will discuss Blueground's transformative journey shaping furnished living and corporate mobility. 

Discover how strategic acquisitions have expanded Blueground's offerings to encompass global, on-demand, and core solutions. Learn how our game-changing technology enhances the customer experience, broadens housing options, and revolutionizes corporate housing as shaped by the world leader in furnished and flexible housing.

4:00 PM ET

Exhibit Hall Open & Happy Hour

4:00 PM-7:00 PM


Enter through the doors of Veterans Memorial Auditorium.

6:30 PM ET

Open Evening and Dinner Buddies

6:30 PM-9:30 PM


The evening is open to enjoy as you please. Many partners are hosting receptions, you can make your own plans, or try our new Dinner Buddies program! Are you new to Worldwide ERC® or simply want to make new connections? Join our Dinner Buddies program. The Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau will have a concierge desk set up in the convention center. Visit the desk to sign up for a group dinner reservations at a local restaurant. This is a casual opportunity for a dinner plan. It's pay on own. This is a limited opportunity. Stop by the desk upon arrival to sign up!

9:30 AM ET

Networking Lounge

9:30 AM-4:30 PM


Schedule appointments with your fellow attendees using the app and plan to meet up the Networking Lounge. This is your opportunity to catch up with attendees you know from past events or make new connections with your peers in talent mobility.  The Lounge will be open Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, and Thursday, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM. There will be a specialty coffee station, sponsored by Stewart Relocation Services, on Wednesday in the lounge from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM.  The complementary relaxation station, sponsored by Fragomen, will be open on Wednesday, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Thursday, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM.


9:30 AM-6:00 PM

Registration is open in Hall C Foyer on Tuesday from 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM, on Wednesday from 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM, and on Thursday from 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM.

10:00 AM ET

Changes to Real Estate Agency & Broker Compensation and Impacts on the Corporate Relocation Industry

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

Real Estate

At face value this session sounds like it may only be for real estate professionals or corporations with home sale programs but the upcoming changes greatly impact corporations who do not have a home sale program and the corporate relocation ecosystem of suppliers. Mobility professionals will discuss important real estate industry updates including changes to broker compensation and agency reform, how these updates may impact winning talent, unintended consequences for DEI initiatives, downstream effects on different verticals that support mobility, the global mobility industry as a whole, and what we can do to get ahead of the curve.

Global Mobility at Workday

10:00 AM-11:00 AM


This session is designed for corporate HR professionals only.

Learn how Workday’s Global Mobility team uses Workday to enable talent acquisition, internal mobility and cross border remote work, and how we’re harnessing mobility data to create dashboards, pipelines, and trend reports that empower our team like never before.

We’ll share how we used Workday to overcome business challenges and create efficiencies that save our team & others hundreds of hours per year by:

    • Enabling faster hiring and stronger data security by building vendor integrations at critical junctures of the hiring & onboarding processes in Workday HCM 
    • Leveraging Workday Extend to automate remote work & internal mobility requests and to provide visibility for compliance & risk analysis
    • Compiling mobile employee & vendor data into Prism Analytics to enable on-demand dashboarding and strategic mobility insights for Mobility, senior leadership and finance

Navigating Charlie Oppenheim’s Predictions for FY2024 Visa Bulletin

10:00 AM-11:00 AM


Session sponsored by WR Immigration (Wolfsdorf Rosenthal LLP).

Mr. Oppenheim was one of the select few in the federal government who understood the interaction between annual and per-country limits in the U.S. immigration system. The visa bulletin has shown unprecedented volatility in FY2023 for Employment-Based dates, and it is projected that the worldwide limits will be 25% lower in FY2024. Charlie will analyze the implications of these developments for the coming months and discuss the movement of the Employment-Based visa bulletin. Panelists will also explore the impact of visa bulletin changes on corporate immigration programs. Corporate representatives will highlight their companies' support for employees facing prolonged adjudication delays and explain how their policies address the extensive backlogs in obtaining green cards for foreign nationals.

Public Policy Insights: Maintaining Compliance in an Evolving Technology Landscape

10:00 AM-11:00 AM


Leaders from Worldwide ERC’s Global Compliance, Global Tax, and Global Immigration public policy forums and other industry leaders will discuss the compliance, data security, and industry process implications associated with evolving technologies impacting workforce mobility.  Topics to be covered will include:  the evolving data security landscape in the U.S. and around the world, the compliance considerations of artificial intelligence within mobility, and the evolving technology landscape within immigration and tax, including new or updated government systems and procedures their impacts on the immigration and employment verification processes.   Additionally, the session will explore how these topics are being addressed in practice by learning about Benivo’s experience from Founder and CEO Nitzan Yudan.

The Global Competition for Talent: A New Solution to an Old Problem

10:00 AM-11:00 AM


Nearly 9 out of 10 companies believe they will face a skill shortage in the next 3-5 years. Skilled refugees represent an invaluable source of talent, but too often circumstances conspire to prevent them from joining the workforce. Talent Beyond Boundaries and Fragomen are working hard to match skilled refugees with potential employers. Please join this session to learn about the unique public private partnerships being built and how you can supplement your workforce.

Attendees will:

1.   Learn about a new source of talent for your organization

2.    Learn how your company can provide an opportunity to relocate a refugee by recognizing their skills

3.    Hear first-person stories from displaced talent who have relocated based on employment opportunities.

Upleveling Mobility: Using Organizational Values to Get your Mobility Program to the Next Level

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

Programs & Policies

This interactive session will help attendees make connections between their organizational core values and mobility program objectives, creating alignment with senior leadership and embedding company culture in the candidate experience. Attendees will use the power of their peers to brainstorm ways to align core values and mobility objectives to create compelling cases to support mobility goals with help from a group of industry mobility leaders.

11:15 AM ET

Global Visa Processing: Is Your Organization Prepared?

11:15 AM-12:15 PM


Moving talent around the globe is a critical success factor for many companies. Unfortunately, this is not always a smooth operation as visa processing is confronted with a number of challenges around timing, cost, lack of standardization and complex multi-jurisdictional rules. This session looks at some of the major themes and challenges associated with visa processing and offers practical advice for mobility professionals on how to best prepare travelers to navigate the complexities of global relocation. Specific issues to be addressed include US stateside visa renewal and the new ETIAS/ETA travel requirements.

Industry Vertical: EOR

11:15 AM-12:15 PM

Hear from industry leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing their industries in this panel discussion focused on EORs. Speakers represent the following companies:

    • Deel
    • Global Expansion
    •  Mauve Group


Industry Vertical: Moving and Shipping

11:15 AM-12:15 PM

Hear from industry leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing their industries in this panel discussion focused on Moving and Shipping. Speakers represent the following companies:

    • Arpin
    • Starwood Pet Travel


Sustainability and Workforce Mobility: Updates from Industry Leaders

11:15 AM-12:15 PM


Sustainability remains a critical area of focus for the workforce mobility industry, and this session will bring together leaders from Worldwide ERC’s Sustainability Advisory Council and the Coalition for Greener Mobility to discuss recent initiatives and steps occurring across the industry, key challenges continued to be faced by mobility professionals, and upcoming activities that will impact the mobility supply chain.

The Quiet (but Steady) Rise of Domestic Mobility: Success Stories & Winning Strategies

11:15 AM-12:15 PM


With resistance to return to the office coupled with record low unemployment across the top 10 largest economies by GDP, companies across nearly every industry are struggling to find talent. International assignments and relocations have not returned to pre-pandemic levels. Companies are directing their efforts domestically to find the right talent and fit.

Unraveling the Negative Perception of Exceptions and the Detrimental Impact on Equity and Inclusion

11:15 AM-12:15 PM


Join us for an exploration that uncovers the obscured influence of how our initial negative perception of exception requests may unintentionally have an adverse impact on equity and inclusion. In this engaging session, we will navigate the intricate web of the negative perception surrounding exceptions, shedding light on their potential to disrupt the principles of fairness, and belonging in our quest for inclusive environments and true equity. Though seemingly innocuous at first glance, exception requests almost always carry an underlying negative connotation that subtly undermines the foundations of equity and inclusion. Through insightful case studies and thought-provoking discussions, we will unveil the concealed intricacies that shape our initial impressions of exceptions, revealing their potential to perpetuate disparities and disrupt efforts aimed at fostering harmonious and diverse spaces. Our journey will delve into the nuanced effects of exception requests, critically examining how these seemingly isolated incidents collectively influence perceptions on a larger scale and impede progress. By exposing the wide-reaching implications of the perception of negativity, our goal is to empower participants with the insights needed to challenge prevailing assumptions, rethink approaches, and champion authentic equity and inclusion. Together, we will unravel and redefine the pervasive myth surrounding exceptions, charting a course towards a more just, equitable, and inclusive world.

12:00 PM ET

Exhibit Hall & Lunch

12:00 PM-2:00 PM


12:05 PM ET

Innovation Lab: Managing all Employee Mobility

12:05 PM-12:25 PM

Innovation Labs

Presented by Equus.

Explore the Equus Platform; one centralized platform to manage your entire global workforce. Take a deep dive into self-service Remote Work requests and smart approval routing.

12:30 PM ET

Innovation Lab: The Future of Cost Estimation is Here! Introducing AI-Driven Cost Estimate Scenarios

12:30 PM-12:50 PM

Innovation Labs

Presented by Benivo. We've harnessed the power of AI to elevate cost estimation to unprecedented heights. This revolutionary upgrade automates a process that typically requires a specialist tax provider, potentially saving your business thousands of dollars. Not only does it provide the cost estimate of your selected scenario, but it also suggests alternative scenarios that deliver even more cost savings. With the ability to define variables based on your specific needs, you'll receive only the most relevant and actionable recommendations. It also identifies and addresses cost overruns before they become major issues. AI alerts enable mobility leaders to transition from a reactive approach to a proactive one, maintaining full control over their budgets.

12:55 PM ET

Innovation Lab: Time for a SHIFT in your Global Mobility Model

12:55 PM-1:15 PM

Innovation Labs

Presented by ITX. Do you wish you could simplify Global Mobility processes and still meet all your KPIs without compromising assignee satisfaction? Discover how many of the world's leading organizations are doing that, while also improving the integration between the HR and Finance functions. Prepare for the SHIFT in Global Mobility.

1:20 PM ET

Innovation Lab: Managing the Small Move Tsunami

1:20 PM-1:40 PM

Innovation Labs

Presented by PODS Moving & Storage. Small move requests in Relocation are increasing by double digits each year. PODS will share the challenges faced by all stakeholders in the process (Corporate Client, RMC, and HHG providers) along with some unique solutions for managing the workload.

2:15 PM ET

Good to Go: International Travel for a Diverse Workforce

2:15 PM-3:15 PM


This session will cover Amazon’s journey to a streamlined approach to compliant business travel and short term international remote work.

Public Policy Insights: Issues Facing U.S. Domestic Relocations

2:15 PM-3:15 PM

Public Policy Forum

Leaders of Worldwide ERC’s North American Real Estate and Mortgage and Global Tax public policy forums and other industry leaders will discuss current and potential policy challenges that could impact U.S. domestic relocations.  Topics to be covered will include:  ongoing litigation challenges and its potential impacts on the mobility industry; the impacts of state prohibitions on foreign national real estate purchases; current issues impacting the moving and shipping industry; current trends impacting global tax; and the path ahead for reinstating the moving tax expense deduction in 2025.

Seeing the Whole Picture: Opening All the Front Doors to Temporary Housing

2:15 PM-3:15 PM

Real Estate

During this panel session, we explore the quickly evolving landscape of accommodation types in temporary housing - ranging from family homes to micro-apartments, why the traditional apartment alone is no longer sufficient for today’s employees' needs and where the opportunities lie in finding best-in-class global accommodation partners.

Staying Out of "Jeopardy”

2:15 PM-3:15 PM


In this interactive ‘Jeopardy’ game, host Alejandra Zapatero will guide session attendees through the new-normal in immigration and global mobility, featuring the insights of expert global mobility leaders. This fun and interactive session will highlight key trends in mobility program development, workforce and future of work, and US and global immigration. A prize will go to the winner — but ultimately, everyone wins when they’re learning tips to successfully navigate their program and have fun!

This Changes Everything – Or Does it? Emerging Leaders Impact on the Future of Work

2:15 PM-3:15 PM


Disruption has become a daily constant in today’s workplace. Beginning with the pandemic, shifting to remote work and hybrid work, and a shortage of talent across the workplace has individuals and organizations thinking about the future. This session is planned by Worldwide ERC's Young Professionals Task Force.

Transforming the Mobile Employee Experience through Technology

2:15 PM-3:15 PM


Step into the future of global mobility. Join us for an engaging panel discussion that will help you reimagine employee relocation. In our fast-paced world, mobile employee experience is a make-or-break factor in successful global mobility programs. As mobile talent traverse the globe, they encounter countless challenges - from finding the perfect home to navigating logistical hurdles and adapting to new communities and cultures. Meanwhile, employers grapple with safely and efficiently placing the right talent in the right place, all while keeping costs in check. This panel discussion will uncover the transformative power of technology and design thinking in taking mobilization to new heights. Discover how cutting-edge digital solutions can align with your business strategy and risk management objectives to create seamless and efficient relocations for your talent. Join us as we explore how technology and design thinking can transform the relocation journey for mobile talent. By attending this event, you'll gain priceless insights, practical strategies, and actionable takeaways that will elevate your global mobility programs and transform your mobile employee experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to shape the future of relocation.

3:30 PM ET

General Session: Generative AI and Global Talent Mobility Panel: Where Can We Go From Here?

3:30 PM-4:30 PM

General Session

Sponsored by Deloitte.

Join us for an engaging panel discussion on the intersection of generative AI and global talent mobility. Our panelists will provide an overview of generative AI and will also share their insights on some use cases of how generative AI can shape the future of talent mobility programs. Whether you are just beginning your technology journey or are well on your way, this is an opportunity to hear from your peers and Deloitte’s GenAI practice and gain valuable insights to kickstart or continue your AI journey. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn more about the cutting-edge technology that is transforming our landscape.

4:30 PM ET

Exhibit Hall & Happy Hour

4:30 PM-6:00 PM


4:45 PM ET

Innovation Lab: The Power of Automation in Global Immigration

4:45 PM-5:05 PM

Innovation Labs

Presented by Mitratech's INSZoom. Explore the dynamic role of automation technologies in reshaping global immigration processes. Learn how Mitratech's INSZoom empowers immigration service providers, HR professionals, and corporate legal departments with configurable workflows, multilingual questionnaires, templates, reports, and more. Dive into real-world examples, discuss benefits, and peek into automation's future in immigration. Empower, automate, elevate.

5:10 PM ET

Innovation Lab: Enhancing Mobility with AI - What You Can Do Today

5:10 PM-5:30 PM

Innovation Labs

Presented by Workia. AI gets a lot of attention for the potential things it can do. In this innovation lab, we're looking at the things AI can help with today. Things that can practically save time and increase efficiency for every mobility team.

6:30 PM ET

Buses to Foundation for Workforce Mobility Party

6:30 PM-7:00 PM


Open Evening and Dinner Buddies

6:30 PM-9:30 PM

The evening is open to enjoy as you please. Many partners are hosting receptions, you can make your own plans, or try our new Dinner Buddies program! Are you new to Worldwide ERC® or simply want to make new connections? Join our Dinner Buddies program. The Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau will have a concierge desk set up in the convention center. Visit the desk to sign up for a group dinner reservations at a local restaurant. This is a casual opportunity for a dinner plan. It's pay on own. This is a limited opportunity. Stop by the desk upon arrival to sign up!

7:00 PM ET

Foundation for Workforce Mobility Party - Party with Purpose

7:00 PM-10:00 PM


You are invited to Party with Purpose together inside a world class live music venue, enjoying energizing stage shows, elegant food and specialty drinks while giving back to those in need. A portion of your ticket is a charitable donation. There are no refunds. Buses to Foundation for Workforce Mobility Party leave art 6:30 PM. 

8:00 AM ET

Foundation for Workforce Mobility Walk

8:00 AM-8:45 AM


Our Fall Walk aims to support our work by increasing awareness for our growing professional community and connecting like-minded supporters through a fun activity. This event will be held the morning after the conclusion of the Global Workforce Symposium, making it convenient for many attendees to join us! 

START: Outside the Hynes Convention Center (900 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02115)


       Head North on Gloucester Street.  You will cross Boylston and Newbury. 

       Turn right on Commonwealth Avenue and walk in the middle of the tree lines.

       Go down Commonwealth Avenue until it ends.   (6 blocks)


9:00 AM ET

Departure Breakfast

9:00 AM-10:00 AM
