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Be Seen as an Industry Expert Through Sponsored Content

For members of the service provider and manufacturers community, WERC offers a content marketing service designed to foster relationships and generate leads. This content is co-branded with WERC and is held to the same quality standards as all editorial content to ensure the successful positioning of the brand and fulfill WERC's commitment to integrity of content and member value. Content must be impartial and nonpromotional. Though such content will reflect specific experience and organizational philosophy, the objective is to showcase expertise, establish credibility, and build trust.

Promote Your Company Through a One Take Video

Your C-Level executive will be part of a 15-30 minute Q&A style interview with a member of the WERC leadership team as you discuss the intersection of industry trends with your organization’s perspective and approach to solutions and opportunities. Benefits include marketing promotion, event archive, and much more.

Reach out to the WERC Sales Manager for more information.