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Bristol Global Mobility has released a white paper that can serve as a starting point for a discussion on how mobility professionals can help transition to a greener economy. With their findings, the Phoenix-based relocation management company aims to go beyond focusing on minimizing harm and expanding to “maximizing positive change.”
According to Bristol, some of the top challenges the world will face in the next 10 years are related to changing climate and the impact it has on the environment. “Extreme weather events, critical changes to planetary systems, biodiversity loss, and the shortage of natural resources are primed to dominate the social, economic, and environmental challenges that our world will face,” Bristol says. “The solution to these challenges lies in the transformation of human life to varying degrees, such as development of new infrastructure, fairer governmental systems, alternative approaches/reduction in consumption, and technological advancement, to name only a few.”
Mobilizing Talent for the Green Transition
The impact of climate change, along with its potential solutions, is being seen globally. In the United States, Bristol notes, there will be an estimated 810,000 new job openings for electricians by 2032 to meet renewable energy and electric vehicle needs. Similarly in the European Union, it’s projected that by 2027 the solar industry will create 1.2 million jobs in Europe, compared to 648,000 in 2022. In Egypt, sustainable agriculture expansion is estimated to require 8 million new additional workers by 2050.
The common denominator in all these projects and ambitions: the need for a trained workforce. Technical skill development is a prime motivator for relocation. The white paper provides several examples of programs that are already helping bridge the green skills gap across borders.
Move Green, a circular mobility program between Andalusia and Northern Morocco, centers on the movement of Moroccan graduates to Spain for a four-month training assignment. During this time, participants gain instruction and hands-on experience in sustainability. RELOCATE is a domestic upskilling program in Sweden, under which participants relocate from areas with high unemployment to regions where there is a great demand for skilled labor. As part of the relocation program, individuals receive targeted training and tailored counseling to support their move.
Bristol’s Vision for Advancing the Green Economy
Bristol identified several ways that talent mobility can be integrated into the fight for global sustainability. Employee relocation can be tapped to boost the transfer of green skills within specific industries directly related to sustainability, like renewable energy and transport. It can also support the transference of skills within sectors not directly involved in the green transition, like luxury goods and technology, to drive sustainability in those sectors.
Talent mobility also has a role in promoting cultural exchanges by integrating employees within other communities to support the development of sustainable living practices, personal habits, and behaviors.
To further help with the sustainability movement, those within the mobility industry itself will need to upskill in several areas, including:
- Health and Safety: Mobility professionals must be equipped proactively to manage assignees’ safety and well-being in the event of an extreme weather-related event. This involves learning exactly how climate change affects specific locations.
- Supplier Selection: Choosing suppliers of sustainable goods and services will become increasingly important.
- Education: Talent mobility professionals must be knowledgeable in the benefits of choosing sustainable options and educate transferees on their importance. This involves sharing specific information on ways to boost sustainability at every stage of the move.
It Takes a Village: Sustainability Touches Every Role
The talent mobility industry is uniquely positioned in the fight toward a more sustainable world. The sector itself can reinforce its green credentials through smarter transport and purchase options, for example. Mobility professionals can ensure the employees being transferred are knowledgeable on the subject and options available to them. At the most micro level, transferees can do their part to bring their skills and talent to areas that require new sustainability-focused skills. As the next 10 years unfold with a need to pay attention to the impact of a changing climate, there will be few areas where sustainable efforts can’t play a role.