
Mobility Minute E-Newsletter

Advertise in the Mobility Minute  E-Newsletter, which is the fastest and most reliable channel to reach talent mobility industry stakeholders.

Starting at $1,000

Reserve Your Ad

Sent Weekly

On Fridays

Rates & Specifications

Banner 1 — $1,500 Per Issue
  • Description: Displays after the lead WERC article feature
  • Ad Size: 560 x 88 px
  • Ad Format: JPG or GIF, max 30KB; include target URL
  • Materials Due: 10 business days prior to the campaign start date
Banner 2 — $1,000 Per Issue
  • Description: Displays between 3rd/4th and 6th/7th article
  • Ad Size: 560 x 88 px
  • Ad Format: JPG or GIF, max 30KB; include target URL
  • Materials Due: 10 business days prior to the campaign start date
Featured Promo* — $2,500 Per Issue
  • Description: Top editorial position with text and image
  • Ad Size: xx characters, xx image or logo
  • Ad Format: JPG or GIF, max 30KB; include target URL
  • Materials Due: 10 business days prior to the campaign start date

*Must be purchased as an add-on component to an existing Sponsored Content campaign on the WERC website. The position will be identified as partner content and have a light screen behind text and images. Limit one per article - no Sponsored Content may be promoted as a Featured Promo more than once.

Mobility Minute Takeover — $4,000
  • Includes Banner 1, Banner 2, Featured Promo & 1 Tweet

Interested in E-Newsletter Advertising?

Reach out to our Sales Team today to discuss.

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