Sponsored E-Blast

Sponsored E-blast

Send a targeted email blast to 4,700+ WERC members promoting products and services that you want the industry to know about right now. The email send list can be refined to specific demographics and quantities to fit your target audience.

Starting at $4,500

Reserve Your Ad

  • HTML email file
  • Subject line (75 characters max)
  • Pre-header text (75 characters max)
HTML Requirements

Materials due 10 business days prior to send date.

  • Width: 650 px (recommended)
  • Footer: include company name, postal address, email
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Build HTML with tables instead of DIV, which does not work well with email
  • Images and fonts: Files must be hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • Embed all hyperlinks

Interested in Sponsored E-Blast Advertising?

Reach out to our Sales Team today to discuss.

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