Website Ads

Website Ads

The WERC website offers the perfect platform to reach a highly engaged community of mobility experts. Choose from banner ads, sponsored content, and retargeting options to fit your message and budget.

Reserve Your Ad

Rates & Specifications

Ad Position | Top Banner — $4,000 Per Month
  • Description: Run of site; up to 6 rotating placements
  • Ad Size: 846px wide x 90px
  • Ad Format: JPG or GIF, max 30KB; include target URL
  • Materials Due: 10 business days prior to the campaign start date
Ad Position | Digital Retargeting — Contact for Pricing
  • Description: Deliver your banner ads to WERC's website visitors as they search the web
  • Ad Size: 160x600 px, 180x150 px, 300x250 px, 728x90 px
  • Ad Format: JPG or GIF, max 30KB; include target URL
  • Materials Due: 2nd Month of the month prior to the campaign start date

Sponsored Content

Showcase your company's thought leadership and expertise while enjoying prime visibility on the WERC website. Your content will be featured on the home page and the "All News" pages over four weeks, and then move down the list of articles gradually. 

Package | Tier 1 — $6,500 Per Article

Word Count: Up to 1,200
Additional Requirements:

  • Article Summary: 2-3 sentences
  • Company Logo: At least 250 pixels
  • Short Company Bio
  • Photos: At least one (1) 1920x350 px image
  • Target URL 
  • Author Information & Photo (optional)
  • Embedded Video (optional)
Package | Tier 2 — $5,500 Per Article

Word Count: Up to 900
Additional Requirements:

  • Article Summary: 2-3 sentences
  • Company Logo: At least 250 pixels
  • Short Company Bio
  • Photos: At least one (1) 1920x350 px image
  • Target URL 
  • Author Information & Photo (optional)
  • Embedded Video (optional)
Package | Custom — Contact for Pricing

We'll help you draft your content!
Word Count: Up to 1200
Additional Requirements:

  • Article Summary: 2-3 sentences
  • Company Logo: At least 250 pixels
  • Short Company Bio
  • Photos: At least one (1) 1920x350 px image
  • Target URL 
  • Author Information & Photo (optional)
  • Embedded Video (optional)

Interested in Website Advertising?

Reach out to our Sales Team today to discuss.

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