2024 Regional Summit in Brazil

2024 Regional Summit in Brazil Prospectus

12 September 2024 | São Paulo, Brazil

Interested in becoming an exhibitor or sponsor of the WERC Regional Summit in Brazil? View the sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities below and contact swang@worldwideerc.org or submit a contract now.

submit a contract

Selfie Station - $7,500

Use this opportunity to interact and network for social media engagement at a prominent heavily trafficked part of the venue. Your company will receive prominent placement of your logo on the selfie station backdrop to draw attention to your logo in the photos shared on social media. You have the opportunity to place a sustainable giveaway in the area and host a contest to drive traffic/engagement. Includes one (1) complimentary full conference registration.

Cocktail Reception - $7,000

Be a great host! Provide a beer and wine bar near your booth in the Exhibit Hall. Sponsorship includes logo on the website and onsite branding.

Premier Package - $7,000

As the Premier Sponsor, your organization will be positioned as a leading supporter of the WERC Regional Summit - Brazil and will receive prominent branding recognition to amplify your presence throughout the event, including a tabletop exhibit, (1) Eblast, (2) full conference registration passes, a hosted roundtable during the event, pre and post-show, and logo recognition on the WERC conference site.

Lunch Sponsorship - $5,000

 As the Lunch Sponsor, your company will be prominently recognized on signage and napkins. Additional benefits include logo recognition on WERC conference site and sponsor recognition banners onsite. Pre and post-event show opt-in attendee lists are included. 

Registration Bags - $4,000

Gain brand recognition through our most-used event item! Our Registration Bags are provided to each attendee at registration and includes essential meeting materials and promotional materials. Prominently located on each Tote, your logo and the WERC logo will be front and center during WERC Regional Summit - Brazil!

Exhibitor - $3,500

As an Exhibitor, you'll receive logo recognition on the WERC Regional Summit – Brazil site and marketing collateral. A popup banner may be placed behind your exhibit table, and you'll have access to pre and post event opt-in attendee registration list. Table top and 2 chairs are included. One (1) complimentary full conference registration is included.

Lanyards - $3,000

Attendees will not only see your logo, they will wear it! Every attendee is required to wear a lanyard and badge throughout the conference. Your company's logo will be placed around the neck of attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors during WERC Regional Summit - Brazil.

Branded Event Pens - $3,500

Place your logo on the WERC Pens! Your branding will be featured on each Pen included in the Registration Bags, given out to all attendees at registration. 

Coffee Break - $3,000

Offer WERC Regional Summit - Brazil attendees a much-needed coffee break so they have the energy they need for the rest of the day. Sponsor may provide pop-up banners and other sustainable branded materials during the break.

Round-Table - $2,500

Share your company’s expertise by hosting a roundtable during our sponsored roundtable session.  All roundtables seat nine attendees plus a facilitator of your choosing.  Attendees will choose up to three tables, rotating every 20 minutes.  Please plan to discuss the same topic with each rotational group during the session.

Email Blast - $2,000

Send a custom email to the full list of preregistered attendees prior to WERC Regional Summit - Brazil. This opportunity is sold on a first-come, first-served basis.